It was one of those cringe-worthy moments. There was Princess Mary, the Austradanish future Queen, swanning about a landmine infested area in Uganda being hailed as the next Diana. But in my mind at least she was less Princess Diana-like and more reminiscent of one of those dog handlers who allow vicious, drooling canines to rip at them whilst writhing about on the ground.
So ridiculously distracting was her landmine proof outfit (as one likes to call them) the whole point to Mary's appearence was lost somewhere after the lines "a series of aid commitments " and "taking part in an exercise to destroy mines in Uganda". More used to stepping on the various "royal landmines" and being blown up by the Danish press, one must wonder what village idiot is running this landmine defusing gig when they're allowing a novice Princess to destroy landmines. Seriously folks....would you walk anywhere after Mary's cleared it "bomb free"?

Far less conspicuous "Mary" outfit.
The similarities between Diana and Mary really can't be identified. Take the first picture above as an example: Mary is wearing sunglasses. Diana is far less delicate and is not. Mary is wearing her Clown Princess Supa-Bomb Defusing Outfit in Cornflower Blue. Diana is wearing a simple visor and blast proof vest (sensible for when one takes a walk amongst some TNT). Mary is nonchalantly looking away from the cameras, perhaps feigning a regal air of disinterest. Diana is not (she appears to be in fact thinking "I hope I don't step on a bomb"). If I were to walk through a landmine area, I know who I'd prefer to be following.
The DRF's PR adviser NIna Fudala needs a good talking to for allowing such an unsubtle PR effort!
hahaha, please tell us how you really feel Wombie.
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