Richard Kay from The Daily Mail has revealed that Prince William and Kate Middleton are holidaying in Mustique. Last time there the onff pair rented a luxury villa. This time, according to Kay, the couple have been given use of a luxury villa owned by Kate's former Jigsaw employers, Belle and John Robinson. Last time the pair holidaying at the "Jigsaw" villa they reportedly made a small donation to some obscure charity. Meanwhile some pondered whether Kate had just done another one of her amazing "deals" in exchange for her name being linked with the Jigsaw chain.
The Mustique holiday is just over a week after Belle's revelations in The Evening Standard, where she detailed Kate's time as her employee "mucking in" (which incidently, was followed promptly by pictures of Kate "mucking in" at her parents business, in what can only be called as an effort to reinforce the image of Kate "mucking in"). The more cynical amongst us would once again question whether this latest jaunt was just another "deal" done by Middleton.

Is Issa angling for publicity ahead of London Fashion Week?
This news comes hot on the heels of designer brand Issa's confirmation that Kate Middleton was given wardrobes of outfits. We not only learned that Kate had "chosen" the Issa brand as her "choice" of clothing but that she had received huge amounts of clothes for free. A source told the Daily Mail: ‘Kate must have thousands of pounds worth of gifted dresses. Issa is incredibly generous with her.’
And why, one might ask, are we now just hearing about Kate's "unofficial" endorsement and deal with Issa? It's London Fashion Week next month.
Click here to read more about Kate & William's luxury holiday to Mustique.
Click here to read more about Kate and Issa.
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