Thursday 1 May 2008

Autumn Kelly renounces the Catholic faith

The Queens grandson Peter Phillips is set to marry his longterm girlfriend, Canadian Autumn Kelly in May. But before this could happen, the prickly issue of Autumn being a Catholic had to be solved. Cue the Church Of England, to which Autumn has converted.

It seems that although it's not possible for a member of the British Royal Family to marry a Catholic and keep their place in the Line of Succession, it's perfectly alright for an inductee to convert faiths, thus allowing their royal partner to retain their spot in royal lineage.

Recently there have been rumbles within the British political elite regarding making the accessional rules far more female and Catholic friendly. If implemented, this would have brought the sometimes staid British Royal Family into the present day and in line with the more progressive European Royal families such as Sweden and Denmark. But alas the politicos have once again come up with a brilliant idea only to pack it away in the too hard basket.

Back to Autumn Kelly's conversion. A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said: "Autumn Kelly was welcomed into the Church of England some time ago," she said. "Her decision to give up her Catholic faith means that Mr Phillips, who is 11th in line to the throne even though his mother decided he should not have an HRH title, will not have to renounce his claim."

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