Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Chelsy Davy a german sexbomb breadmaker?

Monday, 29 September 2008
Daughter Number Three for Norway's Martha Louise

After a discreet pregnancy the only daughter of King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway, Princess Martha Louise has announced birth of her third daughter. Emma Tallulah Behn was born on the 29th of September. Princess Martha Louise already has two daughters, Maud Angelica and Isadora, with her husband the writer Ari Behn. Emma Tullulah is now the seventh in line to the Norwegian throne.
Click here to read more.
Whoops! When the tabloids got it wrong #1

The Sun 9/08/08: "Action girl Kate even tried wakeboarding — and was towed in an inflatable ring, alongside Wills."
WRONG! Er..it's actually "action girl" Pippa Middleton being towed in an inflatable ring, alongside Wills.
Prince Charles' 60th Birthdaysssssssss
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Is Koo Stark related to Kate Middleton?
No more warzones for Prince Harry
As sad as it is for him, Prince Harry has to now come to terms with no longer being deployed overseas to warzones.
According to The People, the MoD has officially made a decision not to send Harry to Afghanistan in the future, citing the danger to other soldiers as the main reason why. The ban only extends to both Iraq and Afghanistan, with Harry able to serve in other places so long as the danger to his fellow soldiers doesn't exist.
A source told The People: "Harry is absolutely desperate to get back to Afghanistan because he is a soldier through and through and he believes there is a vital job to do there. But he is being let down gently because the riskswould be even greater this time. Everybody in his family and his regiment believe he has thoroughly proved himself in every conceivable way as a soldier and he has every reason to be proud. Harry does not see things that way and thinks if he misses out on the most dangerous missions he will be seen as a lightweight soldier."
Click here to read more.
Kate Middleton dumps Issa for a new police protection officer

"Charity" a quick fix for that dastardly PR problem for Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton: Always making the Mail On Sunday pages.
The British Royal Family could sometimes be called the monarchial real life version of 80's soap Dynasty and with Kate Middleton around to be the drama's leading lady, big hair and even bigger ego's are not that far away.
Kate Middleton has managed to once again get her name into the media, after her mother Carole announced via their company's website, partypieces.co.uk that Kate was the saviour of all child kind. Ok, we may be taking liberties a bit but according to Carole Middleton, Kate has been "working" hard and organising a link between "charity" and Party Pieces.
As you would expect from a woman who seems desperate for the nagging headlines currently dogging her daughter to go away, Carole boasted online about Kate's involvement in family business and subsequent link to the charity, Starlight. Carole said: "Party Pieces launched First Birthdays at the beginning of the year with Kate managing the project and producing this year’s catalogues and website. We are now very excited to launch our brand new Cherrypicked Collection which has been managed by Vicky our Senior Buyer. She has selected more than 400 wonderful products and developed a new catalogue and a website with Kate. Kate has been the inspiration behind our involvement with Starlight Children’s Foundation, a UK charity that helps brighten the lives of seriously and terminally ill children by granting their wishes and providing hospital entertainment. " Ok..we get it. It was all Kate's doing and she's "working" really hard! Wow, talk about a mother on a mission.
Given that poor old Vicky is the senior buyer and the brains behind the idea (according to Ma Midds) it's strange then that Carole would only focus on Kate's involvement. After the constant crisitism Kate's received these past few weeks it's no wonder that Carole seems to be on the attack. You could be forgiven after reading her blurb for thinking that the old saying "thou dost protest too much" may apply in this situation.
The Starlight connection seems to have come along at a very opportune time for Kate. Nathan Kay from the Mail On Sunday wasn't as positive about it though, saying: "Kate will be hoping the project will help shed her hated image as ‘Waity Katie’, drifting through life until she can marry into the Royal Family." Harsh but very true.
Meanwhile, a source told Mr Kay: ‘When Kate was on the receiving end of a media backlash for her apparent lack of interest in finding a job, she thought it would be a great idea to spend her time working for her parents’ company. Setting up links to the charity should help turn around her work-shy image.’ So its the charity that is helping Kate more so than Kate helping the charity?
Just as Kate was trying desperately to claw back some good publicity, the daggers are out amongst her former friends from St Andy's. According to Nathan Kay, Kate has snubbed them. He writes: "Jules Knight, who studied art history alongside Kate at St Andrews University and lived next door to Prince William, claims several people are 'upset' the 26-year-old appears to have 'made a conscious decision' not to stay in touch. "
Jules told Mr Kay: 'I said, "Listen Kate, everyone just wants you to be happy, and wants the best for you, but it's a shame you haven't been in touch. She said, "Oh I know, I've been really bad, I should really contact them but it's been really difficult because I've been so busy." I said, "These are people who care about you a lot and I think they are a little bit hurt that you haven't been in touch. We care about you and hope you're OK." She asked me to send my love to people but I don't think she has been in touch yet. There was a very tight group of friends at St Andrews and now they are in London and they don't really have any contact with Kate, some girls in particular. It's not like they want to be friends with Kate because of her position, the fact that she's going out with Prince William. I don't want this to sound like sour grapes.'
Looks like Kate has a long way to go before gaining back some of the good sentiment from friends and royal fans alike she's lost since leaving uni.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
"Spitta" Middleton feels Amy Winehouse's wrath
Pictures courtesy of The Daily Mail.
She may be famous just for being the sister of the girlfriend of the future King, but it's opening many doors socially for Pippa Middleton. That said, not everyone is as enamoured as the press seems to be with the girl who looks as though she's overdosed on a bottle of tanning solution.
Attending a charity event for the Prince's Trust called the End of Summer Ball in London’s Berkeley Square, Pippa and a host of B-grade celebs and society types were supposed to be entertained by the eternally newsworthy Amy Winehouse. Amy, it seems, was backstage in a total drug/alcohol meltdown but it was once she was busy mingling with the elite that things turned sour for Pippa.
The Daily Star reported: "The singer was involved in a bizarre fracas with Prince William’s girlfriend’s younger sister Pippa, 24, at a society ball." An onlooker told the newspaper: “The fight with Pippa was terrible. Amy tried to brush it off as a joke and said she had just choked and spat out a canape at Pippa by mistake, but it didn’t ring true.” After spitting at her, Amy then reportedly told Pippa: “Don’t get the old dear [The Queen] to chop me head off.”
Click here to read more.
Princess Marie talks about babies
Speaking from Geneva, where she was spending the weekend, Marie told Hello!: "Everyone knows I want to have children, kids are so sweet," said the France-born royal, who is a loving stepmother to her husband's boys, Nikolai and Felix. It's a private matter. But there are always reports that I'm pregnant every week, so perhaps they'll be right one day."
Click here to read more.
Friday, 26 September 2008
The Bargain Princess Beatrice

A young Queen Victoria.
Just another interesting tidbit on Beatrice: One of the Royal Truth regular's, Heather pointed out the similarities between a young Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrice. Compare both of the pictures accompanying this blog and let us know what you think.
Click here to read more about Beatrice's first day of student life.
Click here to read more about Beatrice's bargain hunting.
Hot Prince Alert: Prince Carl Philp of Sweden
Kate Middleton makes an arse of herself
After her fantastic venture into (what was supposed to be) 80's Rollerdisco, Kate has become somewhat of a joke for the UK's media. One such laughfest was ITV's Celebrity Juice, a show that pokes a bit of fun at the celebrity's currently in the news.
For the show's frontman, Leigh Francis and his alter ego Keith Lemon, Kate was a too good an opportunity to miss. In the show Keith dressed up as Kate at the rollerdisco, green halter top and yellow pants and all. The shows aim is for a panel of guests to work out who it is Keith is depicting. No one had any trouble guessing it was S-Katie Waity.
Click here to see the video and read more.
Is Kate Middleton cashing in?

Harry is warm and cuddly!
Now for the first time ever, Kate has appeared on the Party Pieces website along side her mother and another woman called Vicky promoting the "Cherrypicked" collection. This collection is an assortment of gifts and novelty items for children. From the outlook of a dewy, soft lens it seems that Kate is now being used to promote the various Party Pieces products. Interestingly, some of the children's products she's now keenly promoting, bear some pretty famous names.

James appears dressed this time.

What is more interesting than Kate's face now being put with overpriced products is the names being used on them. There's a blanket emblazoned with the name Harry, a washbag called Kate and teddy bear called James, but the most interesting seems to be the personalised clock. The forementioned Pirate Clock is adorned with the name William. Could this be sending Wills a message that time (and perhaps Kate) waits for no one? Times ticking William.

Tick tock.....
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Spanish Queen makes an ass of herself
Prince Albert may or may not be marrying Charlene Wittstock
Having been together for 2 years, it seems the pair may be ready to settle down and start making legitimate babies.
An unidentified source told Gala magazine: 'The Prince and Charlene are deeply in love and after two years together they want to make it official. They want to do it for themselves, but it will also mean any children they have are legitimate heirs to the throne.'
Hooray for legitimate children! They're so much better than those other yucky bastards.
Click here to join the waiting game.
When is a Eugenie not a Eugenie? When she's a Beatrice of course!
According to our favourite British tabloid, The Daily Star, Eugenie was aghast when someone called her Beatrice. The Daily Star said: "The younger princess, 18, right, was chuffed when a handsome man said she was Fergie and Andrew’s favourite daughter, but mistakenly called her Beatrice, 20, left, who was also in the club. Oops. "
One would wonder what is so bad about being called (by mistake) Beatrice. You can understand Beatrice's... oops ..sorry, Eugenie's loathing had she been called Camilla!
Click here to read more.
ASDA shoppers wanna be just like S-Katie Waitie
It may just have been a convenient plug for their chain of shops, but ASDA is sprucking about how great Kate Middleton is for their business.
According to The Daily Star, ASDA's supply of rollerskates is "rolling" out the doors of their shops, with sales going up a staggering 400%. An Asda spokesman (who was actually a woman), Helen Heseltine, told The Daily Star: “Shoppers have been inspired by her roller girl laid-back look. “And they are keen to copy her toned, disco appearance.” That or they're clearly insane?
We all know what this means. There are 400% more people out there who are crazy enough to want to be like Kate Middleton. Copykates!
Roll on folks!
Click here to read more.