Pictures courtesy of The Chocolate Princess
With Kate Middleton being criticised for taking part in cruel blood sports, it seems that it must run in the family with her younger brother now coming under increased scrutiny for his involvement in social shoots.
In what can only be described as bizarre, a series of pictures have emerged of James Middleton in strange poses with friends and dead animals. The most unusal are the pictures of the youngest Middleton and friends playing with a dead squirrel, going so far as to pose with it in several photographs.

In other pictures, James readily poses with dead birds obviously slaughtered in social hunts. Even stranger still are the various pictures of Middleton and his friends in highly sexual poses, often dressed in women's clothing or very intoxicated. All photographs are readily available on various internet sites.

shit....this family is just weird....trashier than trailer trash.
nothing strange about that, didn't any of you guys go to university?
so come of your high horse will you - they are normal people too, who get up to the same drunken "fun" shenanigans.
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