Friday 17 October 2008

Brits vote their royal family as one of the "best"

Best of British: The Royal Family comes in at #2.
Britain's have voted on what makes Britain truly Britain. Coming in at #2 were the British Royal Family aka the Windsors.

The survey was conducted by British bread company Warburtons, with spokeswoman Jane Sutton, telling the Daily Express: “Our new advertising campaign takes a look at Britain through the eyes of a businessman visiting for the first time, so we commissioned this research to discover what Britons think distinguishes us from other countries. The results reveal a nation that can find humour in the many eccentricities, quirks and peculiarities that set us apart, but is ultimately very proud of them.”

The results were as follows:

1. Fried breakfasts.
2. British Royal Family.
3. Pubs & warm beer.
4. Sense of humour.
5. Regional accents.
6. Pop festivals.
7. Gritty soap operas.
8. Chatty taxi drivers.
9. Obsession with sport.

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